Posts Tagged Content Writing

Content Writing: An Inbound Marketing Essential

Content Writing:


Content Writing

Content Writing

Content writing is a form of inbound marketing which many marketers having taken a great interest in. This involves writing blogs or articles about topics which relate to your company. This content is given out freely to the public and is a good way of connecting with your customers and sharing your knowledge presenting you as the expert in your field.

The content will involve a mix of topics and formats around topics that are relevant to your target market and information that will help them move closer to using your services or purchasing your products.
The approach is not promotional and doesn’t involve hard sales language. The content is more focused on relevancy, interesting, compelling and practical information. The content could be a review of a new product or a piece on the changing environment of an industry, a relevant event or a question or comment to get engagement or interaction from the reader It should help draw parallels between what is important to the customer and what the company stands for.

Research carried out by Hubspot revealed that those who blogged recorded 55% more visitors than those who didn’t, showing the power good content can have. However, for this content to succeed in warming your brand to current and potential customers; it has to be good!


9/10 Business to Business (B2B) companies say that they will be producing more content than they did last year. This means that there will be a constant stream of content covering every area of business. So you will need to make your content stand out from the crowd and be beneficial to the reader, offering good advice and a critical outlook, so that it has a relevant impact on the customer’s viewpoint.

When writing a blog try to create educational, thought provoking content related to your company. Think of what you would be more likely to share or comment on, don’t focus on  sales and talking about what you do.

Your website and blog content should be used in conjunction with other inbound marketing tactics such as SEO and Social Media, including the search terms you are targeting as a business so that your content will show up in search engine results.

Social media is a great tool for making people aware of your website content or your blog. By leaving links to your blog on social media sites, customers might then explore the rest of your site having read your piece. This could lead to sales and feedback.

Why use content writing?


Build Customer Relationships:  

  • With good content writing you can build strong relationships with current and potential customers. At Webresults we can help you devise a content plan and create strong and compelling content


Give Customers an insight into you:    

  • Good content writing can give customers an insight into what it is your company is passionate about and puts a human voice behind the brand. This will build trust with your customers

Create Natural Interest:             

  • Content writing is a good way of gaining natural interest in your brand from potential customers. Customers will also view your brand more favourably to those who force advertising at them constantly

      Building your rankings on the search engines:

  • Publishing relevant content, that is optimised and around topics that your target market are searching around and interested in, will offer more opportunity for the search engines to pick up your information pieces/articles and by your readers liking and sharing your content, they are giving the search engines more reasons to rank your content above other similar content.

Present you as the expert in your field- Having a strong content plan will build the profile of your business as well as your own professional profile, giving more credibility in your business and your services.


For more information and advice on good content writing, contact us at:

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10 Ways To Improve Your Site Content

Google Web Crawlers

When writing content for your website it can be difficult to keep your information relevant. Getting the balance right between keyword enriched content for a high index and providing quality information for your user is a difficult task.  As after all these are two very different audiences who process information in different ways.

The only solution is writing content that keeps both the visitor and search engine interested.  By writing SEO-friendly content you can lead people to your site, and by writing content that is relevant for potential visitors you can encourage them to stay there. Read our full article to find out how you can implement a 10 step strategy that will allow you to create search engine friendly content.

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