Posts Tagged enhanced campaigns

Enhanced Campaigns have arrived

PPCEnhanced campaigns are finally here and it is time to start taking advantage of some of the new features. As we mentioned on Friday today is the day that your Google Adwords PPC advertising will be automatically moved over to enhanced campaigns if you have not already moved it.

The switch over to enhanced campaigns brings with it some great new features. There are new bidding options. Before you would have had to set up new adgroups and even new campaigns to target different devices and different geographic regions. With the enhanced campaigns you can target different devices from the one campaign and adjust their bids accordingly and minimise spend where bids may for example be less competitive on mobile.

You can also adjust bids for certain areas of your targeted geographic region, you may have a campaign for Ireland, but you want to increase your bids for searches in Dublin as it may be more competitive. Also, if you had noticed that more clicks on a Wednesday convert than any other day you can increase the bids for Wednesdays to ensure your ad appears in the highest position possible on Wednesdays.

There are also more reporting tools available in enhanced campaigns, one of which allows you to measure the number of calls from mobile campaigns.

At we offer a wide range of web marketing services including set up and management of your PPC advertising.

We can help your business manage the move over to enhanced campaigns to ensure you are not wasting budget on irrelevant clicks and that you are making the most out of the new features in enhanced campaigns. Contact us on (01) 208 1872 or email us at for more information.

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Final call for enhanced campaigns

PPC AdvertsingThis coming Monday July 22nd is the date when all adwords campaigns will switch over to “enhanced campaigns”. Google announced the change back in February saying that any campaigns not already changed over will be moved over by them.

Enhanced campaigns bring many new features to PPC advertising on the adwords platform including new bidding features across all devices. When you first switch over it seems you are required to target mobile devices but you can adjust the bid to -100% of your bids for your desktop/laptop campaign, which basically turns it off.  You can also place higher or lower bids for tablets and mobiles as it may be more or less competitive on a different device.  It even gives you the ability to bid higher when showing your ad on mobile devices to users who are within a certain distance of your business. Other new features include optimising your ads for varying user contexts – ability to show the right sitelink, app or extension based on the context of the potential customer and the device they’re using. There are also new advanced reports available in enhanced campaigns such as the ability to track new conversion types.

Google strongly advises businesses using adwords PPC advertising to make the switch to enhanced campaigns themselves rather than it being automatically switched over.  Otherwise, if you don’t manage the switch over yourself, you may show in results for mobile even though you previously had mobile targeting turned off as your site is not mobile friendly.

Our advice is to ensure that you do make the switch over before Monday and put some time into setting up your enhanced campaign and take advantage of the new features. You will otherwise waste valuable budget, paying for irrelevant clicks.

At we set up and manage Google Adwords campaigns. We can move your PPC Advertising campaign for you and ensure you are getting the most from your advertising budget. Contact us now to find out more. offers a wide range of web marketing services. We identify which activities will drive the best results for your business based on your business objectives and your target market. Whether it is a PPC advertising campaign, Social media activities or SEO Services, contact us now for a free consultation and we will get the web generating sales for your business – (01) 207 1872 or email

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